Ways you can help the Urban Hunger Project

Become a Sponsor Cultivator
Inform & Educate


Saved Seed

Promotional Resources

A List of other things we presently need...

Plastic Nursery pots of any size for plant give
aways and our Spring Plant Sale
to benefit the Cultivate Seeds Program!

Old unwanted Mini Blinds....
These make great plant tags!

Unused potting Soil

Old Rain Gutters for square Inch gardening

Donate canned or non perishable foods for the
Seattle Food Banks and
get up to 50% off your order

(Please no expired goods.  Your seeds will be the
freshest open
sourced seeds available grown
for the 2012 Season


Donate part of your next crop and qualify
for FREE seeds!

To become a Sponsor Cultivator

Click Here


Have a particular skill you can
outline for others?

Old fashioned Canning Know How?

Food Growing & Preservation Skills?

Minimum Square Footage Gardening Tips?

Write it down and photograph your techniques

We will publish it here with your
author credits

You can request FREE seeds in exchange


UHP Clients: send requests for Seeds, pots, Soil, tags, and other gardening materials to


Who Qualifies?    Elderly, Disabled, Primary Schools, Church organizations, Food Bank Clients